Why I designed this web page...

Hey everyone! My name is Lindsey, and I decided to design this webpage for young, aspiring writers. I also wish to become an author, so I thought that maybe it would be nice to have a webpage to post stuff about what I go through to get my work written and published, and to have a link to my blog for others like me to discuss what it is like to be a young writer. Also, if anyone who visits this page has had work published, maybe they can share how to get work published. Also, this is a place to discuss books that you may like. That includes the authors of those books, and why you like to read. Finally, I hope that those who visit this page, and do not like to write or read may be inspired. So, I hope you all enjoy! 


Why I decided to become a writer...

I decided to become a writer because to me writing - and reading - allow you to travel to a world all your own. A world where you are free to be creative and live a life completly different from your own. It also allows you to go on adventures that you are normally, at least in my case because I enjoy fantasy, unable to travel on. Because, in real life you cannot cast magic spells, fall in love with vampires, fly on mighty dragons, etc. 

Often the dreams I dream at night become my next story ideas. So while I write down my dream(s), I am able to re-live that experience. And I love that feeling.
